
Fine Art Reproductions & Messy Studio

The studio is a mess... this pic does not do it justice!

I blame Max... all he does is sleep all day - in My chair!

(Have you ever seen such a fat cat? But he is a growing boy!)

I have some fine art reproductions completed...  8 x 8", on stretched canvas... I like these as the thick sides mean they free stand....

 As the original of Dream has sold, I am really happy to be able to offer this as a print, or as a finished art like these - she's so cute!
She reminds me of sun-filled days, with flowers and dreams 

The original of Happy is still available...or as above, or as a print... she is slightly wistful, but I also imagine she is simply at peace, with the slightest of Mona Lisa smiles...

email me if you are interested in any of my art as prints, or as fine art reproductions
 Christmas creeps up on me every year!  I han't yet planned the Christmas menu, or shopped, or even made a pud ( whch I normally do)... I have most of the pressie's bought however... I wonder if like most years we end up wrapping them at midnight on Christmas Eve?

I'll link in with Sunday Sketches & Paint party Friday ( If I'm Not too late?) 

(Not sure How much Blogging I'll be doing leading up to Christmas - we have this 'n that all the usual pre-christmas stuff Plus 2 days away on a mini-break - yay!  If I get any sketching done I may just do mobile posting - it's quick and easy at least - or this may end up being a bit of blogging holiday... we'll just have to see!)
xo L.


  1. Exquisite art work ~ Lovely ladies ~ Take time and enjoy the Holidays ~

    (A Creative Harbor) aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^

  2. PS. ~ Your cat is adorable and loves you so sits in your seat ~ ^_^

  3. Beautiful Ladies, I have a fat cat - Lucy - who tries to nudge out from my chai. Have a great Xmas.

    1. Hi Sharon, thanks! DOn;t cats have little princess personalities? lol. xo L.

  4. I think your dog is far too cute and those paintings are amazing. I wish I was creatively talented like that.... I can draw good stick figures though!


    Danielle Faith

    PS: I am your newest follower from @Home Take 2's Blog Hop!!!

    1. Hi Danielle - thanks so much your lovely comment! I think stick figures are pretty too though! :-) xo L.

  5. what delightful paintings! I agree Christmas season can be hairy LOL.... just now starting to do something about it

    1. Hi Alicia - thank you! Well I have now at least done a christmas menu and a shopping list - that feels better! xo L.

  6. lovely! Stopping by from the hop! Have a great Christmas!
    Julie @ Hey Mommy, Chocolate Milk


  7. Hi CHris - thanks for dropping by! xo L.

  8. Adorable little characters. What beautiful piercing eyes they have. I love the textures and colors as well.

  9. I love the upbeat theme of your beautiful paintings! Merry Christmas!

  10. Ohh Max is so cute! Your art reproductions look great!

  11. Lovely art, so pretty and happy! Awesome cat! :)

  12. These are both so pretty. They look like dolls. I especially love the second one.

  13. I love your ladies - there is something so sweet and peaceful about both of them! Happy PPF and Merry Christmas

  14. Great pieces of art! They are both so sweet and charming. Christmas sneaks up on me every year.....I'm happy to say that this year I was 95% done before December 1st. It's been relaxing since then. :) Happy Holidays! happy Sunday Sketches!

  15. Loving your pretty canvases. Happy PPF, Annette x

  16. Lovely, whimsical canvasses. And I love Max the fat cat. He looks like he's lovin' life!!!

  17. Beautiful artwork, they are so colourful and sweet! Lovely blog too, will definitely have to become a follower.

  18. Your girls are beautiful. And I love that fat cat!! Happy belated PPF!

  19. These are adorable. I love this size canvas. Perfect for walls or shelves or tabletops. Lovely. So feminine.

    My Creative Every Day post is here.


I love your comments! I read them all, and I will do my best to reply to you here! xo L.

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